Roger Ballen’s work is featured in the permanent collections of numerous prestigious museums worldwide. These include the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York, the Centre Pompidou in Paris, and the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.
Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Art Gallery of South Australia, South Adelaide, Australia
Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth, Australia
Berkeley Art Museum, California
Bethel Woods Center for the Arts, USA
Biblioteque Nationale, Paris
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, Alabama, USA
Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht, Netherlands
Brooklyn Museum, New York, USA
Centre National de L’audivisuel, Dudelange, Luxembourg
Central Academy of Fine Arts Museum, China
Centro Fotografico Manual Alvarez Bravo, Mexico
Chazen Museum of Art, Madison Wisconsin, USA
Cleavland Museum, Cleavland, Ohio USA
Durban Art Gallery, Durban, South Africa
Fotomuseum, Munchen, Germany
George Eastman House, Rochester, New York, USA
Getty Museum, Los Angeles California, USA
Haifa Museum of Art, Israel
Hasselblad, Goteborg, Sweden
High Museum of Art, Atlanta, USA
Hungarian Museum of Photography, Budapest
Hirshorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington D.C., USA
Israel Museum, Jerusalem, Israel
Iziko National Gallery, Cape Town, South Africa
Johannesburg Art Museum, South Africa
Kunstmuseum Den Haag, The Netherlands
Kuntsammlung Jena, Jena Germany
Les Rencontres de la Photographie, Arles, France
Los Angeles County Museum of Art, USA
Louisiana Museum, Denmark
Maison Europeene de la Photographie, Paris
Manchester Art Gallery, Manchester, United Kingdom
Milwaukee Art Museum, Winsconsin, USA
MOMus Thessaloniki Museum of Photography, Greece
MONA Museum, Hobart, Tasmania
Musee de l’Elysee , Lausanne, Switzerland
​Musee de la Chasse et de la Nature, Paris, France
Musée de la Photographie á Charleroi, Belguim
Museet for Fotokunst, Denmark
Museo nazionale Della Fotographia, Brescia, Italy
Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Museum Dr. Guislain, Ghent, Belgium
Museum Folkwang, Essen, Germany
Museum of Contemporary Photography at Columbia College Chicago, USA
Museum of Contemporary Art, Madrid, Spain
Museum of Contemporary Art, Rome, Italy
Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego, USA
Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb, Croatia
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, USA
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, USA
Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA
Musee de la Chasse et de la Nature, Paris, France
National Art Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria
National Gallery, Cape Town, South Africa
National Museum of Film and Photography, Bradford UK
​New Orleans Museum of Art, Louisiana, USA
Oliewenhuis, Bloemfontein, South Africa
Palm Springs Art Museum, California
Pori Art Museum, Pori, Finland
Pushkin Museum, Moscow, Russia
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Royal Museum of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels, Belgium
San Francisco Museum of Art, USA
Serlachius Museum, Mantta, Finland
SMAK, Municipal Museum of Contemporary Art, Ghent, Belgium
Smithsonian National Museum of African Art, Washington D.C., USA
Spencer Art Museum, Kansas, USA
State Museum of Russia, Moscow, Russia
Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
Tate Britain, London, UK
Tel Aviv Museum, Tel Aviv, Israel
The Baltimore Museum of Art in Baltimore, Maryland, USA
The Frances Lehman Loeb Art Centre, Vassar College, New York, USA
The Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington DC, USA
The Jewish Museum, New York City, United States
The Menil Collection, Houston, USA
The Museum of Fine Arts in Yekaterinburg, Russia
The Thessaloniki Museum of Photography, Greece
University of California Art Museum, Berkeley, California USA
University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky USA
Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Virginia, USA
Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford, USA
Zeitz MOCAA, Cape Town, South Africa