Roger Ballen in Venice – Ytali

Roger Ballen a Venezia

In occasione della mostra “Apparitions in Venice”, che lo vede protagonista, l’artista e fotografo Roger Ballen si è incontrato con visitatori ed estimatori allo Spazio eventi della Toletta a Venezia.



Photograph taken by Michele Mattiello

On October 6th at 6.00pm Roger Ballen materialized at the Toletta event space in Venice. It was thus possible to receive catalogs with a dedication-drawing, 
to ask all the necessary questions to understand the work of the artist and photographer a little better. 
Thus we learned that Roger Ballen, born in New York in 1950, soon embarked on the path of street photography, closely following the season of battles for 
civil rights, and everything that made the Big Apple throb with newness. Among other things he followed and photographed the now legendary Woodstock 
happening. Then suddenly there was the encounter with art.
The “Apparitions in Venice” exhibition at the Toletta event space in Venice (from the website).
Without inheritance, alone, little by little his photographs freed themselves from the representation of reality, to arrive at fantastic forms of 
Jungian archetypes. The artist publicly recalled the importance of Karl Gustav Jung in his education. The theme that returns is that of a humanity
 of which mostly only the bones remain, the remnant of a pain and a struggle to live that consumes humanity. The Jungian archetype of pain is the 
true key to understanding Roger Bellen's art.
The artist is currently working on the illustration of Dante's Inferno and next year he will hold an exhibition in Rome. An evening difficult to forget, 
thanks to the foresight of the publisher and the charm of the Event Space.

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